About Penn LPS Online

About Penn LPS Online

Bringing the Penn experience to you

In the rich tradition of Penn’s world-class liberal arts and professional studies, and building on 20 years of experience in online learning innovation, Penn LPS Online offers credit-bearing courses, certificates, and a bachelor's degree for adult learners with a focus on their unique needs.

Penn LPS Online provides a valuable stepping stone for students to enhance their career through personal enrichment and professional scholarship. Featuring an immersive and high-touch experience, courses are designed and led by Ivy League faculty who are experts in their areas of study.

Developed to further our mission of making a Penn School of Arts and Sciences education available to working adults, Penn LPS Online provides a professionally relevant, high-quality academic experience.

At Penn LPS Online, you can pursue academic excellence while remaining grounded in the arts and sciences, broadening your professional and personal horizons.

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