Congratulations to Penn LPS Online Certificate in Neuroscience student Kelley Roark for her first published article—a perspectives essay in the web journal Neuro Central entitled “The neuroscience of epilepsy: inflammatory signaling as a catalyst of seizure activity.” Neuro Central is an online resource that brings together neurology and neuroscience content relevant to researchers, clinical practitioners, and healthcare stakeholders.
In the article, Kelley, who currently studies public health at the University of Maryland, speculates on the future of epilepsy research and treatment following new discoveries and recalibrations in seizure pathology models. Continued investigation into relevant inflammatory biomarkers, she says, could lead to the development of targeted pharmaceutical treatments for epilepsy patients.
The Penn LPS Online Certificate in Neuroscience is a 4-course credit program of study that introduces students to biological, psychological, and clinical approaches to understanding the nervous system and the biological basis of behavior. Students who complete the basic online certificate may pursue an advanced certificate by adding two additional neuroscience courses.
You can read more about the applications of neuroscience in the feature article Your mind at work: Applying neuroscience in the classroom and outside of the lab. If you would like more information on the program, please visit our certificate page.