Penn’s Online Course: Fundamentals of Professional Writing Improve your writing skills and boost your career prospects as you master the art of clear and effective communication.

Penn’s Online Course: Fundamentals of Professional Writing

Writing in a professional environment requires an understanding of the subtle arts of communication. Penn LPS Online courses in professional writing equip you with a series of concepts and practical applications to make you a power writer—a master of grammar, concision, and clarity. Whether you are in an entry-level position and want to ramp up your writing skills or are an accomplished writer ready to expand and refine your repertoire, our online professional writing courses take you to the next level. 

You have the option to enroll in an individual course, complete four courses and earn the Certificate in Professional Writing, complete six courses and earn an advanced certificate, or apply courses toward the completion of our Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree. A sample of our professional writing courses includes:

PROW 1000: Fundamentals of Professional Writing

Using an immersive, scenario-based teaching style, this course is an introduction to critically analyzing any writing situation and making your writing a purposeful act of communication. Hands-on coursework includes targeted exercises for improving grammar, mechanics, clarity, precision, and persuasiveness while receiving instructor coaching and feedback.

PROW 2000: Writing with Data

The rise of data-driven communication has placed increasing emphasis on data literacy—namely, the ability to produce and analyze a wide range of data visualizations. This course is designed to help you use online data visualization tools to make data more understandable and develop rhetorical skills to make data more meaningful by identifying and presenting the story they tell.

PROW 3010: The Power of Storytelling

From business and science to medicine and nonprofit organizations, storytelling is increasingly recognized as one of the strongest tools of communication and persuasion. This course introduces students to the use and art of storytelling as both a research tool for gathering information about particular communities or types of individuals, and as an effective rhetorical strategy for generating emotional appeal and action and brand identity.

PROW 3020: Strategic Writing for Fundraising

Developing a targeted strategy for individual prospects and/or donors is critical, but communicating it effectively is what gets you over the finish line. In this course, you learn about the continuous cycle of fundraising and practice writing the full spectrum of donor-centric communication vehicles relevant to each cycle.

PROW 4000: Writing for Social Media

With its multiple modalities—visual, aural, and somatic—social media makes different types of demands of its creators and its audiences, requiring an expanded understanding of rhetorical strategies and contexts. This course explores the use of social media campaigns for building organizational or brand identities and looks at how to create coherent messaging, build a reputation, and cultivate reader loyalty.

Penn LPS Online—a flexible, Ivy League educational experience with immediate career impact.