Student Voices

Shane Coolbaugh

Shane Coolbaugh
Shane Coolbaugh
Marketing Specialist at TICC, Inc., and freelance communications professional

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania ’24
Concentration: Leadership and Communication

Shane Coolbaugh (BAAS ’24) first learned about Penn’s Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) through an email while studying communications at Harrisburg Area Community College. As a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Shane received periodic messages about transfer opportunities at four-year degree programs, including the BAAS. “The Penn degree caught my eye,” Shane says. “It had the challenging curriculum of an Ivy League program, but it was very accessible, being online.” The program offered Shane the prospect of pursuing a bachelor’s degree while continuing to live in York, Pennsylvania, where he worked as a marketing specialist for TICC, Inc. “That was perfect, as I was growing as a professional,” he says. Shane applied and was accepted for spring 2022.

“Penn was a bit of a culture shock at first,” he admits about adjusting to an online program. “It takes a little more effort to connect in a virtual setting.” He found, however, that his peers were just as engaged in the material and as willing to connect as he was, which helped build community quickly. “We all wanted to succeed together.”

Shane also had the support of the Penn LPS Online program team at his back to help him with orientation and academic planning. “My transition into Penn was rather seamless,” he says. “The advisors, they made sure that all of my credits transferred over, and they explored my interests to make sure that I was making the best decision in the classes that I was taking.” In addition to helping him stay on top of degree requirements, he was encouraged to explore different interests through electives, like the screenwriting class he took. “They really want to support you and make sure that you succeed.”

For his degree concentration, eager to continue sharpening his professional skills, Shane chose Leadership and Communication. “I knew I had leadership traits, but I didn’t know the best way to be a leader,” he recalls. “The program had the perfect balance of coursework in communication and leadership, which go hand in hand. I got to learn the nitty gritty of how to be a good leader—it's really about working with and learning from others.”

From his concentration, one stand-out course was Global Leadership and Problem-Solving, which is co-sponsored by Penn’s Fox Leadership International (FLI) program. Students met different leaders from national organizations, including former US Representative and founding president of Women’s Campaign International Marjorie Margolies. “It was great that these leaders took the time to meet with us in live sessions,” he says. “You get to learn from the best and make sense of the nuance of putting leadership into action.”

He also enjoyed Introduction to Applied Positive Psychology, which counted toward his concentration. Focusing on how to cultivate well-being in individuals and in a broader community, the class, Shane says, lays a foundation for strengthening relationships in a professional environment. “No matter where you work, you have to work with people and form real connections with your colleagues.”

The degree’s digital culture course block options, Shane shares, stood out for adding to the well-roundedness and timeliness of the BAAS program. A favorite course was Digital Literacy and Cultural Change, which fulfills a foundational requirement in qualitative analysis. “We explored how to navigate different media and multimedia channels. Living in a fast-changing world where the way we communicate is very digital, learning how to make change through those channels is a very useful skill,” he explains. The course instructor, Dr. Clay Colmon, also left an impression. “He really gave that feedback and wanted us to explore and learn how to navigate the world we’re living in. He was definitely a supportive instructor.”

A final memorable and practical class was The Art of Work, a required course for students near degree completion, which offers concluding professional preparation and personal reflection. “You get to make a tangible five-year plan that’s rooted in exploring the different sides of yourself and what it will be like when you enter the profession you choose,” he says.

While continuing his marketing role part-time during his studies, Shane also found opportunities to explore different careers, including interning for US Senator Bob Casey during his final spring at Penn, and working as a paralegal for a criminal defense attorney over the following summer.

Shane on graduation weekend 2024
Shane on graduation weekend 2024

Shane finished the BAAS program in May 2024, completing an academic journey that he wasn’t always confident he would reach. “As a nontraditional student coming back to school in my mid-twenties, sometimes I felt like I wouldn’t see graduation,” he shares. The challenging BAAS curriculum kept him engaged, he says, while Penn’s faculty and staff were there to advise him and build his confidence at every step. “They were definitely willing to give you that support and guidance and make sure that you were successful.”

To celebrate his success, Shane traveled to campus to attend both the College of Liberal and Professional Studies graduation and the University commencement ceremonies. “It was just so exciting to be able to get to that final hurrah and meet the classmates and instructors in person who I’d spent the last two and a half years with,” he says. “Seeing my mom up there in the stands being all excited and proud—it was a dream come true.”

Today, Shane continues his role with TICC, Inc., and has added freelance communications professional to his resume. “I assist small businesses with marketing and communication strategies,” he shares. He credits his Penn experience with making him more self-assured and confident in his capabilities.

For prospective BAAS applicants, Shane recommends that they believe in themselves and look forward to what the program offers. “The BAAS gives you the opportunity to explore and challenge yourself, to learn from the best, and see yourself as a future leader,” he says. “You'll leave with confidence.”

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