This course provides an introduction to key topics that form the foundation for further study in mathematics, data analytics, and statistics. Topics covered include finite math, logic, algebra (including basics of matrix algebra) functions, probability, and a conceptual introduction to calculus. Through this course, students will develop both an understanding of the concepts and the ability to apply the concepts and techniques to analysis and problem-solving. Course format includes readings, lectures and demonstrations, and extensive hands-on practice with instructor and peer feedback.
Watch instructor Patrick Shields talk about his academic background and the course he teaches, MTHS 1000: Mathematical Foundations for Data Analytics.
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*Academic credit is defined by the University of Pennsylvania as a course unit (c.u.). A course unit (c.u.) is a general measure of academic work over a period of time, typically a term (semester or summer). A c.u. (or a fraction of a c.u.) represents different types of academic work across different types of academic programs and is the basic unit of progress toward a degree. One c.u. is usually converted to a four-semester-hour course.