Adam Mohr

Lecturer in Critical Writing, Marks Family Center for Excellence in Writing

Dr. Adam Mohr is a medical anthropologist and historian researching the interaction between health, religion, and migration in Ghana. He has written one book, Enchanted Calvinism: Labor Migration, Afflicting Spirits, and Christian Therapy in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (2013), as well as eight articles in science, medical, history, and religious studies journals along with five book chapters. He has also peer edited articles for 11 journals. His professional writing has been greatly enhanced by my writing instruction in freshman writing seminars—primarily on the topic of global health—for the past ten years at the University of Pennsylvania’s Critical Writing Program. Adam also has substantial professional workplace writing experience, including with the Bureau of East African Affairs at the State Department in Washington, DC, an international NGO in Addis Ababa, and the National Institute of Health.