Kristine Rabberman received a BA in history from Pennsylvania State University and a PhD in history from the University of Pennsylvania, with a focus on medieval history, history of the British Isles, and ethnohistory. Her teaching interests include history of sexuality, witchcraft, and gender in the medieval and early modern West, travel literature, material culture, gender studies, and academic writing and research design across the arts and sciences. Kris has taught online courses at the University of Pennsylvania for the past 15 years and has presented at conferences including the University Professional Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), The Online Learning Consortium (formerly the Sloan Consortium), iFEST, and the Bryn Mawr Conference on Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts. She is the recipient of the UPCEA Mid-Atlantic Award for Excellence in teaching and the LPS Distinguished Teaching Award for Affiliated Faculty. She is also two times past chair for UPCEA’s Mid-Atlantic Region.