Come to know Africa's history, culture, and peoples through the study of its contemporary music. We examine the continent in eight "regions:" North, Southern, East, Central, and West Africa; the Sahel, the Islands around the continent, and diasporic routes of contemporary musicians. Each region has its own music playlist.
*Academic credit is defined by the University of Pennsylvania as a course unit (c.u.). A course unit (c.u.) is a general measure of academic work over a period of time, typically a term (semester or summer). A c.u. (or a fraction of a c.u.) represents different types of academic work across different types of academic programs and is the basic unit of progress toward a degree. One c.u. is usually converted to a four-semester-hour course.
- Professor of Music
Carol Muller is a Professor of Music who has published widely on South African music, including Musical Echoes: South African Women Thinking in Jazz (2011) with Sathima Bea Benjamin, Shembe Hymns (2010), Focus: South African Music (2008), and Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire: Nazarite Women’s Performance in South Africa (1999). Muller has… Read more