Dr. Patrick Wehner has taught writing with the Critical Writing Program since its inception in 2003. He was part of the administration for 13 years, writing curricular materials, emails, program reports, and faculty biographies. He has coauthored publications in writing studies and has written opinion pieces published in the flagship journals of composition. Prior to joining CWP, he worked at a for-profit publishing firm as a production editor, copy editor, and marketing copy writer. For seven years, he was an assistant editor for the Southern Regional Council, a nonprofit civil rights organization, where he wrote profiles, news updates, reviews, and feature stories. He also coauthored and edited several AmeriCorp resource publications and white papers for the Sloan Foundation, one of which has been translated into Spanish and is due to be published in Columbia. He is currently at work on a literature review titled “It’s not about you: A review of documentation and citation practices in academic writing.”